Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0013522, Wed, 11 Oct 2006 15:06:10 -0400

Re: JF to MR re: split personalities in PF
Jerry Friedman wrote:
"Technically, by the way, I don't believe the Botkin reading is
MPD. Botkin acquires the delusion that he's Kinbote the ex-king,
but we don't see him switch back and forth between B. and K."

But he must switch back and forth (assuming for the moment that he is
not a
figment of Shade's psyche). If he is Kinbote all the time, what
does he teach in at Wordsmith? Is there really a Zemblan dept.? This
home one of the reasons I've never found the traditional (Shade and
as separate characters) theory of the novel satisfying. I simply can't
imagine how Kinbote/Botkin would be able to keep his job for more than a

day. If Kinbote's delusional state is constant, as JF asserts above, he

would scarcely be able to teach Zemblan at Wordsmith. If, on the other
hand, he exists as Botkin at Wordsmith, how do we reconcile all the
where he clearly identifies himself to others as Charles Kinbote? I
imagine the college would sit by while someone who is clearly and openly

insane teaches there. And why would Shade be so unfazed? This has
been a problem with the novel for me, and one more reason I'm drawn to
Shade MPD theory.

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