Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0013459, Sun, 8 Oct 2006 11:07:16 -0400

Message for all subscribers on withdrawing or revising
submissions to NABOKV-L
Dear List,

A couple of subscribers recently tried to withdraw or revise submitted
posts before they were forwarded to the List. When I edit messages sent
to NABOKV-L, however, I must necessarily open them, respond to them,
reformat them if necessary, and forward them to the List in the order
received -- so that in both instances I received those second thoughts
only after the original messages had already been forwarded.

If you desperately need to contact the editors about a message already
submitted, the best way to do so would be to email me and/or Stephen
Blackwell directly (using the email links in the signature at the end of
each NABOKV-L posting) with something like "Please PLEASE don't forward
that insufficiently tweaked rejoinder" or "Help! Protect me from
myself!" in the subject heading.

This situation is understandable, of course, since email by its very
nature invites an immediate response. However, waiting a little before
you post a reply has its advantages -- especially if there are several
messages on the same thread and you have an opportunity to read all of
them before you add your own contribution.

Meanwhile, back to that lively discussion of the Strange Case of John
Shade. . .


Susan Elizabeth Sweeney
Co-Editor, NABOKV-L

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Contact the Editors: mailto:nabokv-l@utk.edu,nabokv-l@holycross.edu
Visit Zembla: http://www.libraries.psu.edu/nabokov/zembla.htm
View Nabokv-L policies: http://web.utk.edu/~sblackwe/EDNote.htm