Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0013325, Tue, 19 Sep 2006 18:44:44 -0400

Mello on symmetry
Carolyn and List,

Yes! Symmetry seems to be a fit word for a special kind of structure
achieved by VN ( the poem Pale Fire, for one).
I even extended my hypothesis about "mirrors and doubles" to include
them among his descriptions of symmetry since I always keep in mind that
VN was a nature scientist and symmetry may be considered as an
expression of the "natural" ( with all the deceiving games that arise
from our confidence its regularity)
The Russian author Vladimir Nabokov, whose novels are full of symmetry

Is this true? I have noticed a tendency to dualities, mirror imagery and
bi-partite structure (at least in Lolita), but symmetry?

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