Vladimir Nabokov

Zembla relocated to archive.org

By stephen_blackwell, 16 March, 2023

Zembla has become an archive-only site, via archive.org. Following the link here should take you to a useable version of the site and its components. The link to Zembla under "Websites" has also been modified; in the future that link should remain valid. At the moment, the "Criticism" section (articles) appears to display functionally in Firefox, but not in Chrome or Edge.



6 months 3 weeks ago

Sorry, I just saw this post (a year later)! If anyone wants to access the criticism appearing on Zembla they can just append this string (Archive one) before the original URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20211022132240/ 

and the link will work. For example, if anyone wants to access DBJ's wonderful article on VN's childhood reading habits, they can check the bibliography for the link and click on it. It will of course show a "Page not found error". Now before the URL (in this case, https://www.libraries.psu.edu/nabokov/dbjgo1.htm) please append the Archive URL, making the full URL as


And all articles can be accessed from Chrome, Firefox or Edge. 

In any case, a general update to VN bibliography is in progress, so people can just directly access the links from the Bibliography page of The Nabokovian soon.