Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0000999, Wed, 28 Feb 1996 09:55:27 -0800

Japanese translation of VN's _Gogol_ (fwd)
From: Akiko Nakata <anna228@ic.nanzan-u.ac.jp>
_Nikolai Gogol_ in Japanese was published by Heibon-Sha on Feb. 15, 1996.
This is the revised edition of the translation by Taro Aoyama, which was
published by Kinokuniya-Shoten in 1973 and has been out of print for a long
time. The revised edition is refined to be excellently accurate, though even
in the original edition we could not find but a few inadequacies. Aoyama wrote
the concise afterword for the current book, which is followed by a bright
thematic essay, "Kagami no kuni no Nabokofu"["Nabokov through the
Looking-Glass,"] by Tadashi Wakashima.

I hear from T. Wakashima that he is going to join NABOKV-L in the nearest
future. We can expect him to run across the interesting topics on VN, and
probably, chess. He is the chair of Japan Branch of International Society of
Chess Problem (Please forgive me if the name of the society is not correct.
I'm not sure of it.) and is famous as a _shogi_-problem composer as well as an
outstanding Nabokov scholar in Japan.

Akiko Nakata <anna228@ic.nanzan-u.ac.jp>