Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0000876, Wed, 3 Jan 1996 11:38:52 -0800

Cruelty (fwd)
EDITORIAL NOTE. Perhaps the best known discussion of "cruelty" and
Nabokov is Richard Rorty's in his book _Contingency, Irony, and
Solidarity_ which Leona Toker analyses in some detail in NABOKOV STUDIES
#1 (1994), pp. 195-206.

I recently got the new Nabokov Stories and, in trying to interest my wife
in VN, read some to her. She, being slightly depressed lately, commented
that they were too sad and that she preferred something else. I hadn't
remembered his work as sad but as well written stories about people. I
began to think about DN's comment that one of the underlying themes of his
father's work was his contempt for cruelty. It suddenly occured to me that
all his works could be about this. Comments?...........
Dean Farwood