Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0001076, Wed, 3 Apr 1996 09:11:44 -0800

Query: ADA
Sergey B. Ilyin <isb@glas.apc.org> poses the following two queries:

1) ADA, I. 23. Van asks Lucette to memorize a poem by "Robert Brown." Ada
says: "Let her try the one about finding a feather and seeing Peacock
plain." I suspect Browning. Can anyone provie the exact source?

2) ADA I.25. Boutellian says to Van: "The winds of the wilderness are
indiscreet. Tel un lis sauvage confiant au desert...." Van recognizes
this as a citation from Delille. My question: Is it Jacques? I have
Russian translations of his LES JARDINS but don't find anything remotely