Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0001032, Sat, 9 Mar 1996 10:58:09 -0800

Wall Street Journal review of End of Alice (fwd)
From: Alexander Justice <jahvah@empirenet.com>

by James Wolcott of the New Yorker. The two most pertinent paragraphs
Ms. Homes [author of _The End of Alice_] has told interviewers that the
union between Humbert and his nymphet was the starting point for _The End
of Alice_ -- that she wanted to emphasize what Nabokov left implicit.
Even if we grant Ms. Homes the right to update _Lolita_ for the grunge era,
her effort hits a couple of snags. The first is that the flight of
Humbert and Lolita across motel America gave Nabokov's orginal novel an
open-air, wide-screen vista. Humbert's vainglorious blather couldn't
smother its oxygen intake. In contrast, _The End of Alice_ is trapped
inside a one-track mind that is stuck inside a prison cell, which is like
being shut behind two sets of walls. The narrator's memories and X-rated
projections are no substitute for real mobility.

Second snag: By appropriating _Lolita_ for her own purposes, Ms. Homes is
trying to doodle graffiti across the work of a master. When T. S. Eliot
parodied Pope in the first draft of _The Waste Land_, Ezra Pound told him
bluntly that he shouldn't parody Pope unless he could write better verse
than Pope -- _and you can't._ Ms. Homes can't write better prose than

The rest of the review goes on to argue in support of the last sentence.
Listmembers might well guess that neither book nor author get cut any
slack by a reviewer who later uses the terms _non-art_ and _this rotten
novel_. I have no opinion whatsoever about The End of Alice, so please
don't take up Mr. Wolcott's statements or confuse them with me; I'm just
reporting a minor blip on the VVN radar.

Alexander Justice * jahvah@empirenet.com * Nigelville, California, USA

Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. - H. L. Mencken