Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0003939, Mon, 19 Apr 1999 09:48:10 -0700

Swiss German Radio (fwd)
From: Susanne Eisner <susanne.eisner@datacomm.ch>

The following piece of information might interest some of the fellow
German speaking group members:

On April 18th, 4.30 – 5.30 p.m. the Swiss German Radio Second (cultural)
Programme broadcast an excellent 60 minutes feature under the heading
"Lolita ist beruehmt, nicht ich". It contained a.o.t. excerpts of an
interview of VN by the BBC, also parts of an interview with Dieter
Zimmer, and one with Daniela Rippl, organiser of the VN exhibitions in
Munich, and at the Palace Hotel in Montreux. The most fascinating and
moving part perhaps was VN reading the final scene between Humbert and
Quilty, in his very British English, and one of his Russian poems. This
broadcast can be heard a second time on Friday 23rd April, 9.00 p.m.
Swiss time ( = GMT + 1.00h).

Also, next Thursday, 22nd April, at 11.00 a.m. Swiss time on the same
channel there is a 35 min. feature with Dieter Zimmer: "Nabokov als
Lebenswerk", which will be repeated the same day at 10.00 p.m.

Cassettes of recordings can usually be obtained by writing to Schweiz.
Radio DRS II, Postfach, CH-4024 Basel, mentioning title and broadcasting
time. e-mail:service@drs2.ch

I myself am an amateur Nabokovian, an academically trained mediaevalist,
with a remote background in the booktrade. Except for one small
contribution I have been lurking on this list for the last four months
or so. My favourite short story remains "Spring in Fialta" – but it's a
hard choice, I admit.

Susanne Eisner-Kartagener, CH-3065 Bolligen-Bern, Switzerland
e-mail :susanne.eisner@datacomm.ch