Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0003901, Tue, 13 Apr 1999 11:26:51 -0700

Re: Best Nabokov Short Story (fwd)
From: Maurice Couturier <Maurice.Couturier@taloa.unice.fr>

Dear Nabokovians,

"Spring in Fialta" is definitely my favorite story, and I am glad to see
that John Burt Foster shares this opinion. Translating it into French,
years ago, I frequently asked myself why Nabokov did not turn it into a
novel: it has an atmosphere, a poetry which I have not found elsewhere. To
be honest, I am not a great fan of Nabokov's short stories; I have always
felt that this format did not properly suit him.

I take this opportunity to announce the publication of the first volume of
Pleiade Nabokov next October; we couldn't meet the April deadline,


Maurice Couturier