Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0003752, Thu, 4 Mar 1999 11:03:29 -0800

Re: What does VN rail against? (fwd)
From: Wayne Daniels <wdaniels@gwmail.mtrl.toronto.on.ca>

Poor Charlotte. She may have been an odd
mixture of received opinions and ingrown
passions, but her aspirations to culture
produce some discomfort as targets of satire.
No doubt it is a little pathetic that so many
depend on Oprah's endorsement before they
can decide what to read next. But in a fiercely
unliterary culture such as ours (I count Canada
as being continuous, in this respect, with the
US), I am reluctant to make fun of anybody's
interest in books. Besides, as the director of
the recent film of Lolita has just shown, it is
less important how one gets started as how one

Having said that, I should add that I am, yet
again, about to join the Reader's Subscription.
Why? Same reason as before: I can't resist
their initial offers. The ad in the March 4 issue
of the New York Review of Books has, I notice,
Lolita among its "3 Books for $1.99 Each"
listing. Time to replace my tattered copy.

Um, I hope this isn't considered spam.


Wayne Daniels