Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0004018, Sun, 2 May 1999 13:28:37 -0700

Re: Nabokov Courses
From: Travis Weatherston Gosselin <twgossel@artsci.wustl.edu>

Washington University in St. Louis offered a course this semester which
was almost exclusively devoted to Nabokov. Though I was unable to enroll
in the course, I understand that students read Notes from Underground,
Diary of a Madman, as well as Speak, Memory, Pnin, Lolita, The Gift,
Despair, Pale Fire and Nabokov's book on Gogol. The course was,
unfortunately for me (an English major) offered in the Russian department
and was taught by a professor who I understand to be well-versed in
Pushkin, Nabokov, and several other 19th and 20th century Russian authors.
Unfortunately, I do not have that professor's name. I think additional
readings outside of the class might have included sections of Eugene
Onegin and Nabokov's commentary on it.