Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0007717, Mon, 7 Apr 2003 11:47:33 -0700

VN and the Kubrick LOLITA film
EDNOTE. Sarah Funke is the editor of the delightful VERA's BUTTERFLIES
published by Glen Horowitz.

----- Original Message -----
From: <SarahFunke@aol.com>
> ----------------- Message requiring your approval (9
lines) -------------------
> Dear Phil,
> The scene to which you refer, in which Humbert asks VN, butterfly hunter
about a particular lep, “Is that a rare specimen?” prompting the response,
"A specimen cannot be common or rare, it can only be poor or perfect…. You
meant ‘rare species.’ This is a good specimen of a rather scarce subspecies”
(L:AS, p.128), is indeed in the typescript draft at the Berg Collection in
the New York Public Library.
> It is one of many scenes rejected by Kubrick but resuscitated by VN for
the 1973 version. Also present in the Berg are dozens of pages ultimately
reconsidered by VN himself before publication of Lolita: A Screenplay, pages
which I believe are available only in German translation in Dieter Zimmer's
Lolita: Ein Drehbuch (Nach den Originaltyposkripten zusammengestellt und
übersetzt von Dieter Zimmer. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1999).
> Best,
> Sarah