Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0007644, Sat, 15 Mar 2003 17:39:45 -0800

Fw: Nabokov sighting
EDNOTE. NABOKV-L thanks Sarah Funke who is, among much else, the
compiler/editior of the elegant book catalogue "Vera's Butterflies" put out
by the book dealer Glen Horowitz in New York.
I am a bit leery of the story here since VN's cinematic dealins were
handled by the mega-agent Irving "Swifty" Lazar. also, Evans must have been
a speed reader if he got thru ADA twice in one night.

----- Original Message -----
From: <SarahFunke@aol.com>
> ----------------- Message requiring your approval (11
lines) ------------------
I am told that in his
> memoir The Kid Stays in the Picture, movie producer Robert Evans includes
> lengthy anecdote "about a meeting with Nabokov, who was peddling the
> manuscript of Ada to Hollywood for a film adaptation. Evans read the
> manuscript twice through, during the night before his meeting, and he
> couldn't make any sense of it, so he passed on the project. He also talks
> about Laughter in the Dark as one of his favorite novels of all time..."
> Best,
> Sarah Funke