Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0007426, Sun, 19 Jan 2003 12:45:52 -0800

Fw: Teaching "The Enchanter"
EDNOTE. By far th best discussion of The Enchantress" that I have seen is
Gennady Barabtarlo's essay "Those Who Favor Fire (On The Enchanter) in the
final issue of RUSSIAN LITERATURE TRIQUARTERLY, #24 (1991), pp. 89-112. The
issue also contained the first Russian printing of the tale.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Zilfira Henry-Thommes" <semfih@rz-online.de>
> ----------------- Message requiring your approval (15
lines) ------------------
> Dear list-members,
> in my class "Introduction to English Philology" at the Mainz State
> University I decided to teach "The Enchanter" as the prose piece. I have
> surfed through the internet and numerous online-bibliographies including
> the Zembla-page, of course, but could not find much material on this
> story. Has anybody ever taught it? If so, I would be very grateful, if
> this person would be willing to share some ideas with me on how to go
> about teaching it.
> Thanks in advance for anything that might come up on the list
> Christoph Henry-Thommes, Mainz State University, Germany