Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0010916, Fri, 14 Jan 2005 18:05:42 -0800

Fwd: ADAonline updates and request for angelic help
Dear All,

ADAonline (http://www.libraries.psu.edu/nabokov/ada/index.htm ) has been
updated again to include the annotations to Part I Chapter 20.

Additional illustrations are now also loaded up in Part I Chapter 1. Click
on highlighted words in the text of the annotations, like "Estotiland" in
3.18n (and scroll down in the illustration frame for the full image and
caption). Many more images will be added in the coming weeks, although
copyright permission can often be slow in coming.

The volunteers who have encoded the text of the bulk of ADA (I.1-36,
III.1-end) have done a meticulous and selfless but certainly not thankless
job. Heartfelt thanks to Stephen Celis, Sergey Karpukhin, Prokopis
Prokopidis, Ludger Tolkdorf for making it possible to have ADAonline
functioning so soon.

There remain only 18 of ADA's 69 chapters to encode. Jeff Edmunds and I and
the thousands of ADAonliners out there would be most grateful if any more
volunteers would like to acquire or hone their HTML skills by encoding a few
of the remaining chapters. All aspiring ADAonline angels please contact Jeff
Edmunds directly at jhe2@psulias.psu.edu.

Brian Boyd

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