Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0013462, Sun, 8 Oct 2006 12:57:05 -0300

Pale Fire's "arrant thieves" and the firebug's ( luciferine)
Lampyris noctiluca - are a Brazilian species of "firebug" popularly named "vagalume" ("wandering light) which is distinct from another kind - "pirilampo" or "fire lamp" - which belong to the "Elaperidae"( a kind of jumping beetle that sometimes has no "bioluminiscence").
The enzyme that produces the Lampyris light is named "luciferase". ( information gleaned from internet sources)

"Pale Fire" is often mentioned along the novel as referring to "borrowing light from someone else's own" ( like the moon's surface shines by reflecting the light of the sun ).
Firebugs have their own luminescence and would not qualify as "arrant thieves"...

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