Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0013426, Thu, 5 Oct 2006 13:59:23 -0800

solving for G, K, S

What I had been wondering about, together with the "single-minded"
preference for RLS taken as a key-work to interpret PF, concerned your
choice of the "multiple personality disorder" as a solution for the
Shade/Kinbote/Gradus problem.

Dear Jansy,

I didn't choose the solution - - I found it. Are you asking how I found it?

If that is the question, I began with the assumption that the solution would
be simple - - the more complicated the puzzle, the simpler the solution as a
rule. I had two breakthroughs and don't know which came first. Probably the
statement that the three major characters in the work were "G, K, S" came
first. I read this as a riddle, the solution that I found was:

if K = C (roman alphabet), and S = C (Cyrillic alphabet),
then maybe G = C minus
and then G=K=S.


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