Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0019110, Sat, 16 Jan 2010 09:56:39 -0800

Re: CORRECTION about Webster's Second, more on "stang"
Dear List,

In referring you to the online Webster's Unabridged Dictionary in my last posting, I gave out some misleading information. The online version is from 1913. As Stephen Blackwell has pointed out to me, there was a 1934 version, commonly known as Webster's Second. Stephen and I believe that this is the version that VN would have been using. If we're wrong about this, I hope somebody will provide further information.

I apologize for this mistake. As for the egregious grammatical error in that same posting, I am properly embarrassed.

The more I think about the word "stang" in Shade's poem, the odder it seems as the word of choice, in that context, for either Shade or VN.

Jim Twiggs


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