Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0021744, Fri, 24 Jun 2011 01:30:50 -0700

Lance - puzzle
I was puzzled by the choice of years - 2145 AD and 200 AA in Lance - and suddenly yesterday it dawned on me that the logic could be as follows:
1. It's the two alternative names for one and the same year in the future
2. Given that, 2145 AD is quite clear, but 200 AA presents a difficulty. If it's one year we then can guess what is year 1 AA is like: 2145 - 200 = 1945! The new epoch seems to start at that year, according to VN.
3. What is so important of this year for VN? Obviously, end of WW 2 (Ameica coming to the forefront). But also VN getting Ameican citizenship.
4. So AA may mean Anno America - particularly as the narrator in the story is so close to Nabokov himself.
5. Another interpretation may be Anno Atomus - when the nuclear bomb was first tried. The text, incidentally, features later the phrase 'comics and atomics'.

What do you think?

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