Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0021594, Wed, 4 May 2011 20:56:29 +1200

Re: Nabokov Upside Down: Conference in Auckland, January 10-13,
Greetings all,

Some of you will know I have promised a Nabokov conference in Auckland for January next year. Here is the website, delayed months because I was hoping to have it set up within the university in a way that would cost participants almost nothing. That didn't prove feasible, although it took an age to have a final decision on this. As it is, I have tried to keep costs down while keeping value up.


Conference papers will probably be 15-20 minutes, with 5-10 minutes discussion, depending on the number of proposals we receive. The language of the conference will be English.

Do let me know (not via the list, but direct to me) if there are errors in the website or or gaps in what you'd like to know.

I will be sending out personal invitations to Nabokov scholars I know in a day or two, when deadlines allow. You could pass this on to any scholar (or other potential participant) you happen to know who isn't currently on Nabokv-L.

Auckland in midsummer, warm but mild, and with hundreds of beaches available, is a pleasant place to be even without a freNZy of Nabokovian friends. It will be exponentially better with you here.

Best wishes, and a hearty invitation,
Brian Boyd

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