Vladimir Nabokov

Boyd, Brian, and Robert Michael Pyle, eds. Nabokov's Butterflies: Uncollected and Unpublished Writings. 2000

Bibliographic title
Nabokov's Butterflies: Uncollected and Unpublished Writings
Publisher, city
Publication year

Also published by Allen Lane, Penguin UK (2000) and in paperback by Penguin (2001).

Nabokov's writings on butterflies, from his autobiography, his scientific papers and drafts for the unfinished Butterflies of Europe, his literary references to butterflies in fiction and verse, his letters and his butterfly drawings, scientific and playful. Co-edited and with introductions, explanatory notes, and lists of butterflies Nabokov named, and those named after him, by Brian Boyd and nature-writer and lepidopterist Robert Michael Pyle.