EDNOTE.  This is an excellent program that I have participated in both as 
and auditor. The instructors this  summer are two of the world's leading 
 Nabokov scholars:   Alexander Dolinin, editor of the definitive Russian edition of VN 
, and Maurice Couturier , editor of the elegant Pleiade edition.  This 
will be a rare chance to see two very different approaches to the
 understanding of Nabokov's work. In English; in the Nabokov family home.
Nabokov 101
International Summer School for Nabokov Students
August 2-10, 2004
      On August 2-10, 2004 Vladimir Nabokov Museum, St.Petersburg will =
hold its fifth International Summer School for Nabokov students. It will =
be conducted at the Nabokov Museum which is located at 47 Bolshaya =
Morskaya Street in St.Petersburg, the place Vladimir Nabokov described =
as "the only house in the world". Our teachers this year will be Prof. =
Maurice Couturier (France)  and Prof. Alexander Dolinin (USA). =20
      The purpose of the Nabokov Summer School is to provide students =
from all over the world with the opportunity to study various aspects of =
  Vladimir Nabokov's art with internationally known Nabokov scholars. =
The atmosphere of the Nabokov House, which appears in many of Nabokov =
novels and is lovingly described in "Speak, Memory", turns these =
scholarly sessions into an unforgettable personal experience for both =
students and teachers.
"The Poetics of Desire in Nabokov's Fiction"
Maurice Couturier
Professor Emeritus, University of Nice
In this seminar the lecturer  will undertake to show how desire, and its =
common counterpart cruelty, contribute to creating an exceptionally =
strong aesthetic experience in the case of Nabokov's novels. Desire is =
not to be understood merely as sexual, though its sexual component is =
important; as Jacques Lacan put it in The Seminar, Book II, "Desire is =
the splicing of being and lack. This lack is properly a lack of being". =
Desire is therefore at the heart of such key philosophical problems as =
selfhood, subjecthood for  Lacan. The Lacanian doxa, which will =
constitute the chief theoretical grid in this seminar, will be used not =
to analyze the "real author" (whatever that is) but to develop a new =
understanding of the novels and to promote a richer aesthetic =
appreciation of them.=20
The participants in this seminar with have to be conversant with =
Nabokov's fiction but will need no prior knowledge of Lacanian theory. =
The concepts will be explained when required for the understanding of =
the texts. The emphasis will be on three novels which belong to three =
different periods in Nabokov's career, King, Queen, Knave, Invitation to =
a Beheading and Lolita.=20
King, Queen, Knave. New York=A0: Vintage.
Invitation to a Beheading. New York: Vintage.
The Annotated Lolita. New York: Vintage.
Reading List
Alexandrov, Vladimir E. Nabokov's Otherworld. Princeton: Princeton U. =
P., 1991.
Boyd, Brian. Vladimir Nabokov, Vols. 1 and 2. London: Chatto & Windus, =
1991 and 1991.
Couturier, Maurice. Nabokov, ou la tyrannie de l'auteur. Paris: Ed. du =
Seuil, 1993.
-----------------------. Roman et censure ou la mauvaise foi d'Eros. =
Seyssel: Champ Vallon, 1996.
Freud, Sigmund. Three Esssays on the Theory of Sexuality. In On =
Sexuality. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1977.
Danto, Arthur. After the End of Art: Contemporary Art and the Pale of =
History. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997.
Green, Geoffrey. Freud and Nabokov. Lincoln, Neb.: University of =
Nebraska Press, 1988.
Lacan, Jacques. The Seminar of Lacan, Book II: The Ego in Freud's =
Theory. New York: W. W. Norton, 1991.
------------------. The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis. New =
York: W. W. Norton, 1998.
-------------------. The Seminar of Jacques Lacan, Book XX. New York: W. =
W. Norton, 1999.
Rabatt=E9, Jean-Michel, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Lacan. Cambridge =
University Press, 2003.
                                                   "After  The Gift"
                                                  Alexander Dolinin
                                        Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The course will focus on Nabokov's work of the late 1930s which =
witnessed the author's gradual transition from Russian into English. =20
The Real Life of Sebastian Knight
The Visit To The Museum
Tyrants Destroyed
Vasiliy Shishkov
Solus Rex
Ultima Thule
The Enchanter
The Event
The Waltz Invention
The reading-list will be provided to the students after April 15.
LANGUAGE        English is the main language of the program. All classes and =
guided tours will be conducted in English.
TUITION      Students are required to pay their own tuition, travel =
costs, and living expenses (food and lodging). The Nabokov 101 tuition =
cost is $400, which will cover participation in seminars, coffee-breaks, =
handouts, use of museum computers and Internet access at the Nabokov =
Museum, use of museum library.=20
GRADES AND CERTIFICATES         After completing the program, the students will =
receive a Nabokov 101 Certificate and, if required, a personal letter of =
recommendation from the professor.=20
TIME AND CURRICULUM     Seminars will begin on August 2 (Monday) and =
continue through August 10 (Tuesday) with one day-off in the middle of =
the program. There will be 8 days of seminars in all, with two 1 =BD =
hour seminars every day. In addition, guided tours of Nabokov sites and =
other literary points of interest in St.Petersburg, trips to museums and =
galleries, and other sightseeing activities will be offered every day. =
On Saturday, August 7, students and teachers will have a chance to go on =
a day-long guided tour to the Nabokov Estates  near St.Petersburg
10:00-11:30 Prof. Couturier's seminar.=20
11:30-12:00 Coffee-break
12:00-13:30Prof. Dolinin's seminar.
13:30-14:30 Lunch(optional)
14:30-18:00 Guided tour (optional). Work at the library, homework, =
individual research.=20
* Tuition                                                               $ 400
* Visa invitation processing                                             =
* Accommodation in St.Petersburg *=09
Private apartment or pension                                              $15-60 =
a day
Hotel                                                                    =
                  $60-100 a day
* Housing registration (applicable for private
apartments and small hotels)                                               $25
* Lunches (optional)                                                          =
$3-8 a day
* Guided  tours (optional)                                                    =
            $5-30 per tour
*Accomodation will be arranged by the Museum at the student's request.
Students can apply by writing to Tatyana Ponomareva, Museum Director  at =
The  payment can be made in cash or in traveler's checks on student's =
arrival in St.Petersburg. No advance payment is required but the =
students who cancel their participation after the visa invitation has =
been issued for them  will have to reimburse the museum for its cost =