Keith writes:
I just received the latest CD by guitarist Marc Ducret, 'Le Sens De  La Marche,' and upon opening was delighted to see the only text 
curling around the surface of the CD to be the following:
"So now he is ready to write it. He is fully equipped. His fountain  pen is comfortably full, the house is quiet, the tobacco and the 
matches are together, the night is young... and we shall leave him in 
this pleasurable situation and gently steal out, and close the door, 
and firmly push out of the house, as we go, the monster of grim  commonsense that is lumbering up the steps to whine that the book is 
not for the general public, that the book will never, never ---- And 
right then, just before it blurts out the word s, e, double-l, false 
commonsense must be shot dead. VLADIMIR NABOKOV"
As many of you recognize, this is the last paragraph in the essay  'The Art of Literature and Commonsense.'
------------------------------------------ (scroll down a ways to read a description 
of the CD)
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