Hi all!

I published an quick Q&A with Dmitri Nabokov (thank you, Mr Nabokov) at my blog ( http://blog.pontolit.com.br/2008/05/11/leetspeak-dmitri-nabokov/  )
I feel brazilian fan's of V.Nabokof are anxious for hearing more news from The Original of Laura. The most accepted Social Network site in Brazil, or example, Orkut (from Google) has some communities as "Vladimir Nabokov"  with 675 members, "Lolita de Vladimir Nabokov" with 1814 members, and "Lolita" with 5136 members!

Base on the excelent material I collected (including the excelent "An Interview with Dmitri Nabokov by Suellen Stringer-Hye" from Nabokov Online Journal and Vladimir Nabokov's interview, the art of fiction 40, for Paris Review), I decided to make a video (for youtube) about Vladimir Nabokov. The title is "The secret movement". You already can see a "project" here: http://blog.pontolit.com.br/2008/05/12/vladimir-nabokov-o-movimento-secreto-em-breve-no-pontolit/
Unfortunately, as I did not know it it would be possible for DN answer my questions, I missed for example some informations (could anyone here help me?): 1) Is there a planned date for "The Original" on bookstores? 2) Which kind of on line material the book will have? 
I read that Mr. Dmitri Nabokov's birthday is May, 10. So, I send through the list my best wishes!
Thank you and Best regards!
Claudio Soares
PS: A special coincidence: I was researching at excelent NABOK-L and found some articles about the references, in Vladimir Nabokov's "Pale Fire", of brazilian aviator and inventor  Santos-Dumont. The coincidence is I wrote a novel exactly based on Santos Dumont: "Santos Dumont Number 8" ( http://www.santosdumontnumero8.com.br ).
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