[EDNote: this message should have gone out a couple of days ago, but it got tangled in my editing process. Apologies to all! ~SB]

Ganymede, cup-bearers & a pail in Pale Fire
Carolyn Kunin <chaiselongue@earthlink.net>
Wed, 5 Mar 2008 11:56:11 -0800
Vladimir Nabokov Forum <NABOKV-L@listserv.ucsb.edu>

Dear Jansy, 

There is a possible indirect reference in Pale Fire to Ganymede (I'm copying from a note I sent to the list years ago regarding PF constellations):

If in referrring to Kinbote as the Great Beaver, Nabokov was indeed indicating a reference to the constellation Gemini, then the pail, "situla," turns out to indicate the constellation Aquarius. Situla is a star in the constellation Aquarius, but the name also is an alternate name, along with Ganymede,  for the constellation itself and refers to the source from which Aquarius/Ganymede pours out the water/wine. It seems that in most cultures this constellation is associated with rains, floods, fountains.

One astrological interpretation reads "The beauty of Ganymedes and his flight through the air link [Situla] to the ideas of personal charm and aviation with which [the constellation] is certainly connected." The beauty of Ganymede has other Pale Fire implications, and also recalls Shade's title,"Hebe's Cup."

Odd the way your cup--bearers do it, though,  "from the hip"!

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