I presume this was presented for the delectation of the group because of its inadvertent hilarity, as it is in every other respect worthless. It's always dispiriting to be reminded that the name-recognition popularity of "Lolita" (which of course has, alas, little to do with its artistic worth) compels dribbling, semi-literate "scholars" such as Ms. (it would have to be "Ms.," wouldn't it?) Albright to pin the sexualization of children in mass media entirely on VN; as if the idea of the nymphet had never even existed prior to VN's coinage of the word. It might have behooved Ms. Albright to, say, examine Graham Greene's late '30s musings on Shirley Temple, just to provide a single pertinent example off the top of my head. But that would have entailed doing some actual fucking work, if you'll excuse the phrase. Easier to blame Nabokov and set the heads of her fellows wagging in deplorable herd-of-independent-minds agreement.
