I thought that those winds that circulate in Ada (mainly, thanks to Ben Wright, or "Bengal Ben" as the servants call him, the coachman at Ardis in 1884) blew from Zola's novel "La terre" (1887). A character in it, who was dubbed by his fellow-villagers Jesus Christ, is famous for his "farts." A great lover of wines, he can do wonders with his "aeolean" instrument. He often plays it at the request of his little daughter (or niece, I don't remember exactly) and sometimes he even plays duettoes with her. Paradoxically, he is one of the very few likeable characters in Zola's much too naturalistic novel.
About further parallels between ADA and "La terre" see my note "A Window onto Terra" in the latest issue of The Nabokovian (Fall 2004).
Alexey Sklyarenko