----- Original Message -----
From: Gabriel White
To: Vladimir Nabokov Forum
Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2003 1:37 AM
Subject: Re: Nabokov papers & abstracts for Annual Conference of American Assoc. of Teachers if E. European & Slavic Langs

One more Nabokov paper at AATSEEL, that didn't make it onto the previous list:

December 29, 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Panel 29E-2: Life-Writing: Auto/Biography and Memoir
 Nabokov’s Childhood: The Tolstoy Theme in Nabokov’s Autobiography and Fiction (Gabriel White, University of California, Berkeley)

----- Original Message -----
From: D. Barton Johnson
Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2003 12:28 PM
Subject: Nabokov papers & abstracts for Annual Conference of American Assoc. of Teachers if E. European & Slavic Langs

AATSEEL 2003 will be held in San Diego, CA at the Loews Coronado Bay Resort, December 27-30. Pre-registration for the conference closed on November 30. Anyone wishing to register for the conference must now do so onsite at Loews Coronado.



December 28, 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Panel 28C-1: Teaching Lolita (I)
Chair: Zoran Kuzmanovich, Davidson College
Equipment: CP
Paper: My Sin, My Soul: Making a Monster in Frankenstein and Lolita (Rebeca Helfer, Columbia University)
Paper: ‘To borrow and to borrow and to borrow’: Teaching Lolita Through Parody (Charles Fischer, University of Washington)
Paper: A Question of Focal Adjustment: Teaching Lolita with Its Film Adaptations (Christopher A. Link, Boston University)
Paper: On the Road with Lolita (Corinne Scheiner, Colorado College)

December 28, 3:15-5:15

Panel 28D-3: Teaching Lolita (II)
Zoran Kuzmanovich, Davidson College
Paper: Being Cruel to be Kind: Teaching Lolita’s ‘Trifles’ and ‘Telltale Tingles’ (Harriet Hustis, The College of New Jersey)
Paper: Humbert Humbert and the Five D’s: Dramatics, Dance, Debating, Dating, and Democracy (David Clippinger, Pennsylvania State University)
Paper: Peddling Pedophilia, Murder, Lesbianism, and Suicide: Teaching Controversial Texts at a Religious College (Marianne Cotugno)
Discussant: Galya Diment, University of Washington

December 29, 8-10 am

Panel 29A-3: Theoretical Approaches to Literature
Paper: The Linguistic Prison-House of the Unconscious: Oedipus Complex in Belyj and Nabokov (Maria Levina Parker, University of Geneva)


Panel 29C-3: International Vladimir Nabokov Society
Chair: Zoran Kuzmanovich, Davidson College
Paper: Sports in Nabokov (Timothy C. Harte, Bryn Mawr College)
Paper: Poshlust’, Hegelian Syllogism, and the Proverb: A Paremiological Approach to Vladimir Nabokov’s Laughter in the Dark (Kevin J. McKenna, University of Vermont)
Paper: Imaginary Journeys and Nightmares: “The Execution” and its Models (Stanislav Shvabrin, University of California, Los Angeles)
Paper: Nabokov’s Theory and Practice of Translation (Joseph Fitzpatrick, Duke University)
Paper: Literalness, Translation, and Commentary : Nabokov’s Eugene Onegin (Julia Trubikhina, New York University)