----- Original Message -----
From: Sandy P. Klein
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2003 9:23 AM
Subject: Damit Nabokovs Geschichte über ein Emigrantenschicksal nicht ganz ...

Hamburg evening papers
Hamburg evening papers
Saturday, 6 December 2003

Kampnagel: Multimedia course travel

Hamburg - not even in the course toilet the Kokser is unimpaired - Big bread ago is watching. In Branko Simic ' production after Vladimir Nabokovs Short Story "coincidence" does not know the video monitoring borders. At every step and turn the course travelers in the Berlin Paris express are pursued by a Paparazzo with the video camera.

It seems, as if Simic would have met itself the desire to film Nabokovs narration separated over a traveling married couple, which does not run itself in the course coincidentally over the way. Its production on Kampnagel is half theatre, half cinema, whereby to cameraman to franc wacklige photographs in best dogma manners succeed to bus field, which are projected on two cinema canvases. The spectator has the agony of the choice, it zappt with the eyes incessantly between canvas and stage back and forth.

Is it coincidence that the stage reminds of "Dogville", the newest film of the Danish director Lars of Trier, inventor of the puristic dogma cinema? In the area different play places are distributed: Waiting-room, first class compartment, course restaurant and toilet. Missing compartment doors are gladly times pantomimisch opened. The participants remains otherwise little place, in order to unfold schauspielerisch. How also, on close Zugklos?

The picture and Tonbrimborium do its remaining. It should probably be hip, restrains however the actors, those as Staffage appears in a multimedia action thunder weather. So that Nabokovs history remains not whole over an emigrant fate on the distance, Simic lets the action of two storytellers, who read out the text of the Story according to kind of newscasters from the background speak. One must be calm on the fact that it comes with many technical Schnickschnack to picture and clay/tone losses, which bring the special train from Pankow nearly to derailing. It kriegt nevertheless straight still the curve. Relying is at least in a regard to this course: The coincidence course does not have a delay and reached after one in the long run nevertheless quite cure two-leagues hour in time the goal (tws)

Coincidence, up to 13. 12., next conceptions 5.-7. 12., 20,30 o'clock; Kampnagel, Jarrestrasse 20, Tel. 27 09 49 49 tws

appeared on 5 December 2003 in culture/media


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