----- Original Message -----
From: Akiko Nakata
Dear Arthur Glass,
I also doubt that VN was interested in Japanese literature.  Most of his references to Japan are negative. 
I have no idea whether or not Kawabata read Nabokov, but I think he possibly did--at least *Lolita*.  The Japanese translation of *Lolita* was published in 1959 creating a sensation, and the theme of pedophilia must be attractive to Kawabata.  He could read the novel also in English, if he would.  Some of his characters are pedophiliac, as 
Григорий Чхартишвили ( Grigorii Chkhartishvili)  finds a HH-to-be in the nice young protagonist of "The Dancing Girl of Izu."  It might be interesting to compare *Lolita* and "House of the Sleeping Beauties" by means of necrophilia.  I am sorry, but I cannot be much help.  I think Yuichi Isahaya, who kindly sent me the short essay by Чхартишвили, probably knows better.  
Best wishes,
Akiko Nakata
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