Vladimir Nabokov

Bibliographic entries by year: Spring 1984

This is a list of Bibliography Items for the selected year (4 in total).
  • Barabtarlo, Gennady, Calendar in Pnin, no. 12, The Vladimir Nabokov Research Newsletter, Spring 1984, details
  • Bullock, Richard, Humbert the Character, Humbert the Writer: Artifice, Reality, and Art in Lolita, v. 17, no. 3, Philological Quarterly, Spring 1984, details
  • Gullette, Margaret Morganroth, The Exile of Adulthood: Pedophilia in the Midlife Novel, v. 17, no. 3, Novel: A Forum on Fiction, Spring 1984, details
  • Peterson, Ronald E., Zemblan: Nabokov's Phony Scandinavian Language, no. 12, The Vladimir Nabokov Research Newsletter, Spring 1984, details