Vladimir Nabokov

Bibliographic entries by author: Wakashima, Tadashi

This is a list of Bibliography Items for the selected author (6 in total).
  • Wakashima, Tadashi, Annotations to The Defense, The Nabokovian, details
  • Wakashima, Tadashi, Another Road to Lolita: A Transatlantic View, Numano, Mitsuyoshi, and Tadashi Wakashima, eds., Revising Nabokov Revising: Proceedings of the International Nabokov Conference, 2010, Kyoto: Nabokov Society of Japan, details
  • Wakashima, Tadashi, Double Exposure: On the Vertigo of Translating Lolita, Zembla, 2007, details
  • Wakashima, Tadashi, Ranshi dokusha no boken [The Adventures of an Astigmatic Reader], 1993, Tokyo: Jiyu Kokuminsha, details
  • Wakashima, Tadashi, Rorita, rorita, rorita [Lolita, Lolita, Lolita], 2008, Tokyo: Sakuhinsya, details
  • Wakashima, Tadashi, Zenbura no kanatahe: Boido no Aojiroi honō no kaishaku wo megutte [“Beyond Zembla: On Boyd’s Interpretation of Pale Fire”], Kunishige, Junji, ed., Amerika bungaku mireniamu [Millennium of American Literature], 2001, Tokyo: Nanundō, details