Open Culture Blog (06 April, 2011): "Seen by over 20 million Russians when it
came out in 1965, The Hyperboloid of Engineer
Garin was a film based on a 1927 novel by Aleksey Nikolayevich
Tolstoy, who is not to be confused with his famous relative Leo Tolstoy.
This Tolstoy is generally thought of as the father of Russian science
fiction, and The Garin Death Ray was
one of his most famous books (Vladimir Nabokov considered it his
best).Hyperboloid was written and
directed by Aleksandr Gintzburg, a highly
gifted cinematographer who never quite reached the career heights his talent
might have warranted, in part because of his Jewish origins, and in part because
of the narrow range of artistic freedom allowed directors working for the
State-run cinema. Gintzburg stayed well within that range for this film,
which leaves us with an oddly compelling mix of Soviet propaganda
and 60′s pop-scifi.As for the plot… we’d rather not give anything away.
Just think of it as a beautifully-lit proto-1984,
with subtitles and laser beams, starring Big Brother as the good guy.
Sheerly Avni is a San Francisco-based arts and culture
writer. Her work has appeared in Salon, LA Weekly, Mother Jones, and many other
publications. You can follow her on twitter at @sheerly.