-----Mensagem Original-----
De: Jansy
Para: Vladimir Nabokov Forum
Enviada em: terça-feira, 8 de março de 2011 01:13
Assunto: Re: [NABOKV-L] Fw: [NABOKOV-L] [THOUGHTS] Beerbohm's on Samuel Johnson's strong opinions on sermons

addendum to "not that I would particularly mind if any one at the Nab-L once in a while helped me to discover, for example, how to find a copy of Nabokov's Chapter 16 in Speak,Memory"
A reply, off list: http://www.guardian.co.uk/theguardian/1999/apr/17/weekend7.weekend2

After gaining access to Brian Boyd's commentary and to the chapter in question, I learned that Nabokov wrote it as a reviewer, in the third person. For him "the permanent importance Conclusive Evidence has, lies in its being the meeting point of an impersonal art form and a very personal life story. Nabokov's method is to explore the remotest regions of his past life for what may be termed thematic trails or currents. Once found, this or that theme is followed up through the years."
He also notes that the author "is out to prove that his childhood contained, on a much reduced scale, the main components of his creative maturity; thus, through the thin sheath of a ripe chrysalis one can see, in its small wing cases, the dawning of colour and pattern, a miniature revelation of the butterfly that will soon emerge and let its flushed and diced wings expand to many times their pupal size.*" A great many similes and explicitations, presented in a nutshell on Ch.16, were taken up by Nabokov in different occasions, in his replies to interviews (collected in "Strong Opinions"), when they were more naturally developped. 

* Dmitri Nabokov, in his foreword to TOoL, mentions that the novel "is an embryonic masterpiece whose pockets of genius were beginning to pupate" - perhaps hinting at a variant of the "theory of recapitulation" ("ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny") which is unfolding while his father writes his Memoirs -  for example when he mentions "the...various smiling disguises of this or that thematic line running through the book...certain "rhythmic patterns", the "contrapuntal" nature of fate; life's "blending of lines of play";... the "emblemata" on pieces of broken pottery; a final picture puzzle completing the spiral of the theme. .." and perhaps the spiral serves to indicate that there's a disciplined breaking away from "recapitulation," through art. 


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