[EDNOTE.  Priscilla Meyer, who edits the "Annotations & Queries" section of The Nabokovian, sends the following news about Steve Parker.  Let me take this occasion to encourage all Nabokovians to join the International Vladimir Nabokov Society, entitling them to a free subscription to this journal, or encourage research libraries to join as institutional members. -- SES.]

Steve Parker broke his ankle in Chicago a few weeks ago, and writes that"if all goes well I should be back to normal walking in about 6 more weeks. The next issue of the Nabokovian will not appear until some time in January or early February."We wish him a speedy recovery!--Priscilla

JM: Perhaps other non-Americans find it problematic, as I do, to subscribe to The Nabokovian, or to Nabokov Studies, because payments cannot be made directly using credit-cards. Is there some hope that we'll soon be able to contribute to the Vladimir Nabokov Society without resorting to complicated burocratic procedures that allow us to send money abroad?  

I'm happy to hear from Priscilla Meyer that The Nabokovian shall soon be walking around the world, as usual. 

IRINA MARCHESINI: I have to agree with Jansy on this point. I find it problematic too to subscribe to The Nabokovian or to Nabokov Studies: living in Italy, I cannot send any cheque (I don’t know if it can be paid in the US) or money (there is a 99% chance to have the letter AND the money lost). Even though I’d be more than happy to join the Society and receive the journals at home, it is rather difficult for me to do so at the moment. I am afraid that this is a major handicap for me, being one of the few (if not the only) nabokovians in my country. As Jansy suggests, the use of credit card would make things much easier. I hope that things will change soon.

And, of course, I hope that Steve Parker will get well soon!


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