-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: DN on "The Word" in The New Yorker
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 18:42:25 -0800
From: Michael F <mff8785@gmail.com>

Mr. Nabokov,
I cannot thank you enough for your thorough response to my query.  As a 28 year old high school teacher, I get frustrated at the American textbook industries omission of your father's writings.  Raging against the machine, each year I take my own personal money and run off a class set of "Razor" and spend two days incorporating it into my Eleventh Grade American Literature Course.  "Cool!" is the normal response from my students...  This year I will also smuggle "The Word" into my Nabokov lesson plans.  I make sure they leave my class knowing your father's contributions in writing and storytelling is not limited to "Lolita." Thank you again.
Michael Fonash
Merrill F. West High
Tracy, CA 95376