Dear List, I found an interesting essay on "Lolita is Now Fifty " with references to the Luzhin Defense and Pale Fire in Mario Vargas Llosa´s 2003 book " La verdad de las mentiras" which carries a collection of his articles. There is also a Nabopopian reference by Julian Barnes in his novel "Talking it Over" (ed Picador, 1991): " "Main thing to say is, I won´t put up with slander on my wife. My present wife. I didn´t 'seduce' her, she didn´t do a Lolita act on me. We met ( out of school as it happens), and bang, that was that". In a magazine about Literature, focusing on Russian authors, there is a reference to Nabokov via Gabriel García Márquez in a review about his recent book "Memória de minhas putas tristes" where an untouched sleeping girl serves as a metaphor of "contained desires" or "a parallel bt. youth and old age".( "Entrelivros,Ano I,no.4,2005) where there is a picture of VN with the words: "Vladimir Nabokov, whose novel 'Lolita' influenced García Márquez". ( picture added as an attachment ) Jansy