Something I forgot to add.
It's interesting how our having only HH's word for the events of Lolita is similar in a way to our having only Charle's Kinbote's word for so much of Pale Fire.
When we think of how much different a filmed Lolita might be if a director and writer chose to use all that Kubrick and Lyne neglected, think how different our filmed Pale Fires might be if one was Shadean, and the other Kinbotean.
Or, more fascinating still, a Pale Fire told largely from the POV of Sybil and Hazel.
----- Original Message -----
From: Donald B. Johnson
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 7:29 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Humbert's pedophilia on film

----- Forwarded message from -----
    Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 09:54:45 EDT
 Subject: Re: Fw: Humbert's pedophilia on film

I think Sandy Drescher, Kellie Dawson and Andrew Brown all go a long way to
answering my question about why the "Lolita" films censor out HH's psychiatric
(as opposed to sentimental psychoanalytic) status.

Thank you.

Anthony Stadlen

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I think Sandy Drescher, Kellie Dawson and Andrew Brown all go a long way to answering my question about why the "Lolita" films censor out HH's psychiatric (as opposed to sentimental psychoanalytic) status.

Thank you.

Anthony Stadlen