EDNOTE. As Mark Dintnfass points out "finest"  and "favorite" may be quite different things. VN once observed LOLITA was his favorite; INVITATION TO A BEHEADING--his most esteemed.
M. Mulhern provides the coolest answer.
1. Pale Fire
2. Speak Memory
3. Lolita

d. johnston
1. Sebastian Knight
2. Ada
3. The Gift
r. james
1. Pnin
2. Lolita
3. Laughter in the Dark
(4. Transparent Things
 5. Pale Fire
 6. Ada)
 Robert Rabiee
Finest and favorite are not the same thing. The finest (richest? most resonant? more blissfully aesthetic?) is "Lolita," I believe, but my favorite is "Pnin." If art, as Professor Lake teaches, is the naturalization of man-made things, it is VN's most fully naturalized--his most fully human--of the novels, or of the English-language ones anyway.

Mark Dintenfass
No scholar, and not even a reader of all Nabokov, I list

Pale Fire
Speak, Memory

Nobody invited me to go on, but...
Glory    (Why doesn't anyone ever talk about this?)
Mary Krimmel
My top three are:
Camera Lucida
Dr. Olga Repnin
M. Mulhern