----- Original Message -----
From: Carolyn Kunin
To: Vladimir Nabokov Forum
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 8:36 AM
Subject: alternate butterfly interpretations

Miriam Rothschild's book on the cultural history of the butterfly suggests an interpretation of butterflies in art history, particularly during the period of Dutch still life painting, that I think should be taken into account in interpreting Pale Fire.

First, the butterfly in general is part of the vanitas theme and symbolism in these paintings. The white butterfly and the Red Admiral were given more particular meanings. The  whites were taken to be emblems of virtue, resurrection and immortality; the flaming colors, red and black, of the Red Admiral were read as death and/or damnation.

This does not preclude Brian Boyd's interpretation of the meaning of those butterflies in Pale Fire but does suggest other intriguing possibilities.

Carolyn Kunin