EDITOR' NOTE.  Perhaps someones out there knows about VN and Ashberry. I don't recall any VN ref to AShberry and Boyd doesn't mention him. The 1959 Poems will be hard to find. _Collected Poems_--I don't recall. The lectures on _Ulysses_ are included in one of the three volumes of _Lectures_. There is not separate volume.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Poems (and problems)
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 13:17:22 -0800 (PST)
From: D Thacker <dougthacker@yahoo.com>

 ----------------- Message requiring your approval (29 lines) ------------------
Greetings, fellow Nabokovians!

I've been subscribed to this list for a number of days (weeks?) now and
have yet to see a message from anyone.  In any event, perhaps you can help

First of all, I'm looking for a copy at reasonable cost, of N.'s "Poems"
(1959); "Poems and problems" (?); and, didn't he publish an edition called
"Collected Poems"?  Second, what ever happened to "Lectures on Ulysses"?
I'd very much like to have (again, at reasonable cost) a copy of this as
well.  It's difficult to understand why these books, from an author whose
status and popularity continue to grow, are not in print.

And last, I recall reading somewhere N. offering the opinion that John
Ashbery was perhaps the finest living poet writing in English - or did I
dream that?  Could anyone provide a citation - for the quote that is, not
the dream.

Thank you,

Doug Thacker

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