-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Query: Nabokov and "Dear John" letters
Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2002 15:46:06 +0000
From: "Shoel Stadlen" <sstadlen@hotmail.com>

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In Lolita Humbert reads to us the fragmentary remains of a tearful letter
from his wife, who has just been run over after leaving him, having just
discovering his passion for her daughter, Lolita. It's a  moving passage but
also funny.

There's a letter from the man's point of view in 'The Real Life of Sebastian
Knight'. It's in a semi-autobiography within the book, 'written' by
Sebastian Knight. There has been an aircrash and amongst the wreckage some
letters are discovered. One of them is a letter addressed to a woman asking
to settle some account. Another is addressed to an accountacy firm (or
something like that) and is a letter from a man to his lover, telling her
that he is leaving her for another woman, with whom he expects to be much
less happy. It's also extremely beautiful.

Shoel Stadlen

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