Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0011509, Fri, 20 May 2005 10:24:55 -0700

Fwd: Re: BBC: Pale Fire & The Prisoner of Zenda
----- Forwarded message from chaiselongue@earthlink.net -----
Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 21:05:18 -0800
From: Carolyn Kunin <chaiselongue@earthlink.net>
Reply-To: Carolyn Kunin <chaiselongue@earthlink.net>
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Dear Jerry,

I heard it - - nobody read the poem, the plot of the story was dramatized.
An actress played Sybil. It was not intended for an audience who had already
read the novel, and I thought it did a good job in telling the story. I
just taped over the tape I made from the broadcast - - too bad!

As for Zenda, we did discuss it on the List a few years ago. I missed Neil
Hornick's "English tourist" and Hentzner/Hentzau references (I read Zenda
after PF) but I did spot John Shade's eggspoon on the first page of the Hope


Neil Hornick begins the correspondence by mentioning a BBC radio
> adaptation of _Pale Fire_. I'm curious about how the Beeb handled
> that, since there seems to be no agreement on what the story of
> PF is, and simply having one actor read the poem and another read
> the rest doesn't sound very interesting. Did anybody hear it?
> Was it any good?
> Jerry Friedman

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