Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0011385, Sun, 24 Apr 2005 09:51:38 -0700

Fwd: Re: Pnin at Walmart
George Shimanovich's note makes me long to read that unwritten
chapter "Pnin Goes to Walmart" -- I imagine it would be just as
amusing as the missing chapter in which Pnin learns to drive,
which Nabokov also never got around to writing.

Online retailers like walmart.com tie in to the Books in Print
database, enabling them to list a large number of books that
would never appear among the romance and self-help tomes on
Walmart's actual shelves. The books are handsomely discounted
(as much as 40 percent), and if their shipping time is as fast
as they claim, walmart.com might be a smart way to replace that
copy of Pnin you accidentally dropped in the bathtub.
Book-buying on the traditional online sites such as amazon.com
is an increasingly annoying process, as they now try to sell you
everything from digital versions of articles on Nabokov, to
completely unrelated books in which Nabokov's name appears in a
footnote or a jacket blurb, to long-out-of-print volumes that
now exist only in some Borgesian parallel universe. Although I'm
not a fan of Walmart, I do like it that a walmart.com search
only turns up books actually written by Nabokov and (for the
most part) actually in print, thus allowing you to find and
obtain the book you want a lot faster.


> "Donald B. Johnson" wrote:

> Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2005 01:28:27 -0400
> From: George Shimanovich <
> BTW I just came upon quite complete (50 titles, many hard-covers, Pnin
included) selection of VN works on the web site of our neighborhood WalMart
> store, and for good price too:
> http://www.walmart.com/catalog/search-ng.gsp?search_constraint=COMBINED_AUTH
> OR%3A3920
> <http://www.walmart.com/catalog/search-ng.gsp?search_constraint=COMBINED_AUT
> HOR%3A3920&search_query=Nabokov%2C+Vladimir>
> &search_query=Nabokov%2C+Vladimir
> George Shimanovich

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