Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0011077, Mon, 21 Feb 2005 08:28:43 -0800

Fwd: Call for papers for AATSEEL 2005 Conference

----- Forwarded message from pmeyer@wesleyan.edu -----
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2005 19:28:28 -0500
From: Priscilla Meyer <pmeyer@wesleyan.edu>
Reply-To: Priscilla Meyer <pmeyer@wesleyan.edu>

Contact Information. The contact person for literature for the 2005
Annual meeting is:

Prof. William J. Comer (Literature and Culture)
Department of Slavic Languages
University of Kansas
1445 Jayhawk Blvd., Rm. 2135
Lawrence, KS 66045
Phone: 785-864-4701 (office), 7785-864-3313 (dept)
Fax: 785-864-4298
Email: wjcomer@ku.edu

To Submit a Paper. Any member may submit a paper either for a specific
panel or to the conference as a whole (in which case the Program
Committee will assume responsibility for assigning the submission to an
appropriate panel). In either case, members must submit their abstracts
by the deadline (see below) to the appropriate Program Committee
contact person, who will share them with panel chairs. (If your
proposal is suitable for more than one division [e.g., linguistic
approaches to pedagogical problems]), you may submit the abstract to
any appropriate contact person.) The opportunity to submit papers to
the conference as a whole, rather than only to a specific panel, means
that members no longer need to find or create panels for their papers,
and it also means that members will no longer be closed out of the
conference because appropriate panels have either not been proposed or
become filled.

Abstracts. All submissions must be accompanied by a one-page abstract
(see the Guidelines for Preparing Abstracts). Abstracts must be
submitted to the appropriate Program Committee contact person by the 15
April or 1 August deadline (see below).

Abstract Deadlines. There are two deadlines for abstracts: 15 April and
1 August. Abstracts received by 15 April and not accepted will be
returned to the author with suggestions for revision, and authors are
invited to resubmit for the 1 August deadline. Members who do not
require early notification of acceptance or the opportunity to revise
and resubmit are welcome to bypass the first deadline and submit their
abstracts only by 1 August. Please note that the 1 August deadline is
firm, and no submissions can be accepted after that date. Note also
that abstracts cannot be accepted until authors have met the membership
obligations mandated by the AATSEEL bylaws and summarized below.

Anonymous Peer Review of Abstracts. All abstracts will be refereed
anonymously by qualified reviewers selected by the Program Committee,
and the criteria for refereeing are described in the Guidelines for
Abstracts. Members are invited to nominate themselves or others to
serve as referees by contacting any of the Program Committee Contact
Persons. Referees need not be senior scholars, but should have
sufficient area knowledge and conference experience to be able to
evaluate submissions according to the published guidelines.

Competition. There isn't any, and all abstracts that conform to the
Guidelines are guaranteed acceptance. The purpose of peer review of
conference abstracts is not to limit participation, but to encourage
all members to submit work that conforms to certain professional
standards. The guidelines, coupled with the revise-and-resubmit option,
are designed to assist members in preparing abstracts, and members are
encouraged to contact panel chairs or any member of the Program
Committee with questions about the abstract process.

Multiple Participation. A member may appear on the program a maximum of
three times. Possibilities for the three appearances include the
o once as an author of a titled paper;
o up to twice as a discussant (or once as a discussant and once as a
roundtable participant);
o once as a panel chair.

World Wide Web Site. The general World Wide Web site for the 2005
AATSEEL annual meeting will continue to be
http://www.aatseel.org/program/. All conference-related information,
including the Call for Papers, the Preliminary Program, and abstracts,
will be posted there as soon as they become available.

Priscilla Meyer
Russian Department
212 Fisk Hall
Wesleyan University
Middletown, CT 06459
(860) 685-3127

Until May 31, 2005:
3 Steele's Road
London NW3 4SE
(44) 0207 722 0919

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